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REMMINA – aplikasi remote dekstop baru di Ubuntu 11.04

REMMINA – aplikasi remote dekstop baru di Ubuntu 11.04
Sekarang di Ubuntu 11.04, ternyata ada aplikasi baru, yaitu REMMINA ( yang menyatukan fungsi-fungsi remote yang biasa gw pake. Secara lengkapnya fitur REMMINA adalah sebagai berikut :
Remmina project comes with two separated packages.
Remmina main program:
• A pure GTK+ 2.0 application!
• Maintain a list of connection profiles, organized by groups
• Make quick connections by directly putting in the server address
• Remote desktops with higher resolutions are scrollable/scalable in both window and fullscreen mode
• Viewport fullscreen mode: remote desktop automatically scrolls when the mouse moves over the screen edge.
• Floating toolbar in fullscreen mode, allows you to switch between modes, toggle keyboard grabbing, minimize, etc.
• Tabbed interface, optionally managed by groups
• Tray icon, allows you to quickly access configured connection profiles

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